Homeowner Guidelines
Many of the following subjects are included in the By-Laws of some of the neighborhood developments.
Yard lights encouraged – Residents are encouraged to use landscape lighting to help residents and visitors navigate Sunset Forest; however, exterior lighting must not disturb neighbors or impair vision of traffic.
Branches, weeds and dead trees – Residents are encouraged to trim branches and weeds and to remove dead trees near roadways to allow safe passage of all traffic. Trees, shrubs and weeds must be kept trimmed or removed to prevent interference with sightlines at roadway intersections.
Use of tarps – Tarps used to cover trash or storage should be of a color to blend into woodland surroundings and must be out of public view.
Porches to be used as intended – No unsightly condition shall be maintained on any patio, porch or deck. Only furniture and equipment consistent with normal and reasonable use is allowed and those areas are not allowed for storage.
Keep house and property in good repair – Residents shall maintain the house and property in a safe, clean and sanitary condition and in good repair at all times.
Bonfires – Burn pits and chimineas may be utilized but only after visual inspection and approval of the Fire Department chief (911). Fires must be in approved pit or chiminea only, otherwise a burn permit would be needed with each use. Whenever the Island is under a posted burn ban, no fires at all are allowed. Burning trash is prohibited.
House numbers required – City ordinance requires house numbers to be placed adjacent to main street entrance doorways and visible from the street. Numbers must be 4’ above ground, a minimum of 3” in height, and the numbers must contrast with the background.
Home security - Residents leaving their home for a vacation or for an entire season are encouraged to request the Mackinac Island Police Department (911) conduct periodic property checks. Prior to your departure you must fill out a form with the Department. Residents may also ask a neighbor to check on the home while you’re away.
Storage space is in very short supply on Mackinac Island. Creativity in incorporating usable storage space is a must. On Mackinac there are multiple bicycles, porch and lawn furniture, barbecues, and bicycle and snowmobile trailers to house. Refer to the Building Guidelines page of this website for storage guidelines.
Dog License, Leash Law
Michigan State law and Mackinac Island City ordinance require that all dogs be on a leash when off the owner's property. Also, Michigan State law requires each dog be vaccinated for rabies and be licensed by the age of four months.
An application form may be obtained from the Mackinac Island Treasurer to be filled out and mailed to Mackinac County with a copy of a current rabies vaccination certificate and the nominal license fee. In addition, pet waste must be picked up and disposed of appropriately.

Airbnb's, VRBO's, etc...
City of Mackinac Island ordinances and neighborhood development By-Laws restrict home rentals to a single family unit, limiting one rental within a 30-day period. All leases must be presented to the neighborhood development Board for approval prior to its execution with a renter.